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图们江下游湿地生态系统健康评价   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
朱卫红  郭艳丽  孙鹏  苗承玉  曹光兰 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6609-6618
湿地是世界上具有独特结构与功能的生态系统,图们江流域湿地生态系统的健康对该区乃至东北亚地区综合生态系统网络的建设具有重要意义。选择图们江流域下游为研究区,基于压力-状态-响应(PSR)模型,在压力系统、状态系统、响应系统三个层面选取30个指标构建了图们江下游湿地生态系统健康评价指标体系,运用层次分析法和多级模糊综合评判法对研究区湿地生态健康状况进行综合评价,其结果为0.5878,处于亚健康状态。其中,压力系统的健康指数为0.5292,响应系统的健康指数为0.6866,状态系统的健康指数为0.5116,各等级隶属度S=(16.83%, 25.37%, 16.76%, 16.97%,24.07%)。主要表现在研究区域湿地的补水水质差,导致湿地水质污染加重,富营养化现象严重;并且由于人为因素,湿地大面积退化,景观破碎化加剧,功能逐渐丧失,生产力水平下降;急需对本区域湿地进行保护与管理。  相似文献   
恭映璧  靖磊  彭磊  吴晓芙  胡曰利 《生态学报》2012,32(23):7302-7312
利用GIS技术,对长沙市1955、1972和1990年地形图湿地数据及2007年长沙市湿地资源普查数据进行提取和分析,选取最具代表性的斑块湿地作为研究对象,从时间与空间、动态与静态、规模与填埋等视角,研究50年来城市斑块湿地生态系统各层次要素的时空演变过程和变化规律.结果表明:(1)时间层次上,长沙城市斑块湿地总面积呈现先增后减、总体增加的态势;斑块湿地面积变化幅度不断加大,速率逐步加快;(2)规模层次上,面积在32 hm2规模以下的斑块湿地呈增加态势,32 hm2规模以上斑块湿地呈减少态势;(3)动态空间层次上,被填埋斑块湿地的比例在建成区和郊区呈相反的演变结果;(4)静态空间层次上,斑块湿地密度在建成区范围和郊区范围演变结果相背.研究显示,伴随着城市化进程,不同时间尺度、不同规模尺度、不同空间属性、不同空间状态的城市斑块湿地常常呈现差异很大、甚至是截然相反的演变结果;无论是动态空间还是静态空间,建成区与郊区的空间分界线往往是城市斑块湿地演变态势的分水岭.  相似文献   
莫莫格湿地芦苇对水盐变化的生理生态响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓春暖  章光新  李红艳  李然然 《生态学报》2012,32(13):4146-4153
认识湿地植物对不同水盐环境的生理生态响应特征和规律,是确定湿地生态需水阈值的关键,为湿地生态需水量计算及生态恢复提供科学依据.通过对莫莫格湿地水盐环境因子与芦苇生理生态特征指标进行调查研究,并利用国际通用植被数量分析软件CANOCO4.5对其关系进行了冗余度分析(RDA).结果表明:湿地水深、Na+,HCO(3)含量3个环境因子组合对芦苇生理生态特征变异的解释量达到54.7%,说明这3个变量是影响芦苇生理生态特征变异的重要因子,水深是关键驱动因子.水深与芦苇株高、生物量、叶绿素含量、最大光化学效率Fv/FM以及光化学性能指数PIABS成显著正相关,随着水深的增加,芦苇株高、生物量以及叶绿素含量等逐渐增加.Na+含量、HCO(3)含量与芦苇生理生态特征的相关性没有达到显著水平.因此,中轻度盐碱湿地生态恢复需要重点考虑水深条件对湿地生态的影响,其次是水质( Na+/HCO(3))因素的影响作用,确保适宜生态水位,满足生态恢复需要.  相似文献   
大堤型湖滨带生态系统健康状态驱动因子——以太湖为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶春  李春华  王秋光  陈小刚 《生态学报》2012,32(12):3681-3690
湖滨带是湖泊生态系统的重要组成部分,对维持湖泊生态系统健康和改善水环境功能具有积极作用。由于防洪需要,我国许多湖泊在湖滨带中修建了防洪大堤,防洪大堤对湖滨带生态系统的影响还缺乏研究,识别引起大堤型湖滨带生态健康退化的驱动因子是开展湖滨带生态修复的必要前提。针对太湖湖滨带的特点,在定性筛选了太湖主体营养状态、入湖河流污染负荷通量、岸带类型、风浪强度4个主要影响因子的基础上,分别采用"多元线性逐步回归法"和"偏相关系数法"进行驱动因子识别,2种方法确定的驱动因子个数均为3个,且3者的驱动力大小排序也相同,即太湖主体营养状态>岸带类型>入湖河流污染负荷通量。3个驱动因子对太湖湖滨带生态系统健康的影响均为负效应,也即太湖主体的营养状态综合指数越高、入湖河流污染负荷通量越重、岸带状况越差,湖滨带生态系统也就越不健康。另外,从统计方法的角度解释了"风浪强度"没有入选为驱动因子的原因;澄清了现阶段环境学、生态学领域对"驱动因子"识别方法的误解及不足之处。研究结果为大堤型湖滨带的生态修复方案提供了理论支持。  相似文献   
顾韩  牟长城  张博文  于丽丽 《生态学报》2012,32(19):6044-6055
利用静态箱-气相色谱法,研究了火烧干扰对小兴安岭草丛、灌丛沼泽生长季CH4、CO2、N2O排放的季节变化及影响因子结果表明:火干扰使草丛、灌丛沼泽生长季的平均气温和各层土壤温度提高0.1—2.0℃,水位平均下降2.7 cm。火干扰使草丛、灌丛沼泽样地CH4排放通量提高了56%、524.9%,CO2排放通量分别下降了57.3%、14.5%,N2O排放通量分别下降27.1%,64.9%。火烧前后草丛沼泽CH4、N2O与灌丛沼泽CO2排放通量季节性规律未发生变化。火干扰改变了草丛沼泽生长季CO2、灌丛沼泽N2O排放通量的季节性变化规律。草丛沼泽对照样地CH4排放通量与5 cm土壤温度存在显著相关性,草丛沼泽CH4排放通量与水位相关性不显著。灌丛沼泽CH4排放通量与各层土壤温度及水位均无显著相关性。草丛、灌丛沼泽对照样地土壤CO2排放通量与0—15 cm土壤温度呈显著或极显著正相关,火烧样地与0—30 cm土壤温度呈显著或极显著正相关。草丛、灌丛沼泽对照、火烧样地土壤CO2排放通量与水位极显著负相关。火干扰使草丛、灌丛沼泽CH4排放源的强度增强,CO2、N2O的排放消弱,全球温室潜势下降约为23.3%。火干扰能够减少草丛、灌丛沼泽温室气体排放。  相似文献   
Aim To determine the spatial relationship between areas where different frog breeding groups occur and elevated anthropogenic activities, and the conservation implications thereof. Location South Africa. Methods Data on frog distribution ranges for the southern African sub‐region were used to identify biogeographical areas within South Africa. A random draw technique was used to determine whether areas where different frog breeding groups occur were characterized by higher levels of anthropogenic threats than expected by chance. Four measures (human population density, percentage land transformation, percentage protected area and invasive alien plants richness) expected to reflect threats were analysed. Results Terrestrial‐breeders were more often spatially associated with areas of threat than expected by chance in three of the seven biogeographical regions examined with land transformation and invasive alien plant richness being most significant. The south central was the only region where terrestrial‐breeders were spatially congruent with protected areas. Areas where stream‐breeders occur were spatially congruent with anthropogenic threats (with alien plants being most consistent) in five of the seven regions examined while protected areas were well represented in four of the seven regions. Non‐significant results were found for permanent and temporary aquatic‐breeders at both the national and the biogeographical scale. Main conclusions By analysing data at the sub‐continental scale we were able to identify regional threats to amphibians traditionally classified at species‐specific scales. Our study recognized land transformation and alien invasive plants as significant threats to areas important for the long‐term breeding success of stream and terrestrial amphibians in South Africa. Areas where different breeding groups occur in the south‐western Cape showed the greatest spatial congruence with the threats examined. Areas where terrestrial breeding frogs occur are not well represented in the current conservation network. This has important implications in addressing the current status of threats on amphibians in a biogeographical context.  相似文献   


To investigate longevity-associated genes based on a comparison between dead and surviving populations.


A total of 71 cases of dead individuals were treated as the death group, and healthy volunteers who were matched with the dead individuals based on sex and age were recruited as the survival group. Alleles of 13 CODIS STR loci were determined using the AmpFLSTR Profiler Plus PCR Amplification Kit. The cross-validation was performed based on differences between the two groups in both frequency values and ages.


The frequency value of the D18S51-17 alleles was significantly higher in the dead group than in the survival group (p < 0.05), and the frequency value of the D2S1338-18 allele was statistically lower in the dead group than in the survival group (p < 0.05). The mean age of the subjects with the D2S1338-18 allele was also significantly higher than that of the subjects without D2S1338-18, and no significant difference was observed with respect to the other three alleles.


The results suggest that D2S1338-18 is associated with longevity.  相似文献   
The vertical distribution of sulfate-reducing bacteria was investigated in a shallow, eutrophic, meromictic lake, Lake Harutori, located in a residential area of Kushiro, Japan. A steep chemocline, characterized by gradients of oxygen, sulfide and salinity, was found at a depth of 3.5–4.0 m. The sulfide concentration at the bottom of the lake was high (up to a concentration of 10.7 mM). Clone libraries were constructed using the aprA gene, which encodes adenosine-5′-phosphosulfate reductase subunit A, in order to monitor sulfate-reducing bacteria. In the aprA clone libraries, the most abundant sequences were those from the Desulfosarcina–Desulfococcus (DSS) group. A primer set for a DSS group-specific 16S rRNA gene was used to construct another clone library, analysis of which revealed that the uncultured group of sulfate-reducing bacteria, SEEP SRB-1, accounted for nearly half of the obtained sequences. Quantification of the major bacterial groups by catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization demonstrated that the DSS group accounted for 3.2–4.8% of the total bacterial community below the chemocline. The results suggested that the DSS group was one of the major groups of sulfate-reducing bacteria and that these presumably metabolically versatile bacteria might play an important role in sulfur cycling in Lake Harutori.  相似文献   
大理洱海湖滨带鸟类多样性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
洱海地处云南西部,是中国西部候鸟迁徙时的重要停息地和越冬地,但其湖滨带鸟类组成与季节变化尚无专门研究。作者于2011年1月(冬季)、3和4月(春季)、7月(夏季)、10和11月(秋季)采用样线法对洱海湖滨带的鸟类多样性进行了调查,在洱海西岸湖滨带共设4条调查样线,总长度48.2 km,冬夏季节各进行2 d共4次调查,春秋各进行4 d共8次调查。共记录到鸟类13目38科115种,其中有国家Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类7种;留鸟61种,夏候鸟7种,冬候鸟39种,旅鸟8种;按生态类群分,有游禽19种,涉禽22种,猛禽7种,陆禽3种,攀禽8种,鸣禽56种。研究结果表明,秋季的鸟类物种数及多样性指数最高,夏季均匀性指数最高。5类生境中,树林灌丛生境的鸟类多样性和均匀性最高;近岸水域鸟类个体数量最多。依据调查结果,建议沿环湖公路营造更多树林,在适宜地点建造滩涂,将有利于鸟类栖息觅食。  相似文献   
拉萨国家级自然保护区拉鲁湿地发现牛蛙   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
原产于美国落基山脉以东地区的牛蛙(Rana Catesbeiana )是一种非常危险的外来物种。 2014年6月14-24日在拉萨市国家级自然保护区拉鲁湿地内发现成 、幼体 的牛蛙。建议借助政府、知名宗教人士、媒介等力量,以制度、呼吁、宣传等有效渠道,尽快解决湿地放生牛蛙的问题,以降低湿地现有牛蛙的种群增长及栖息地的进一步扩大。  相似文献   
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